
All members must have permission of their Club Instructor for any grades.

Some clubs may choose to award first few grades in increments until the full ability can be reached. This can be done with tags on belt. This is very suitable for younger students.

9th Kyu – Red tags on white belt

8th Kyu – Black tags on white belt

7th Kyu – Yellow

6th Kyu – Orange

5th Kyu – Green

4th Kyu – Purple

3rd Kyu – Brown

2nd Kyu – Brown

1st Kyu – Brown with white stripe

Black belts from 1st Dan to 10th Dan)


8th to 3rd Kyu Grades – 3 months waiting period before grade

3rd Kyu to 1st Dan (1st Class pass) – Mandatory wait for grade is 6 months

3rd Kyu to 1st Dan (2nd Class pass) – Mandatory wait for grade is 9 months

3rd Kyu to 1st Dan (3rd Class pass) – Mandatory wait for grade is 12 months

Disabilities – We will adapt to all needs for any grading and courses

All students must have a Licence for any gradings & competitions. Please ask Sensei Susy Soravia for the Higashi Licence form. These Licences must be renewed every year. No licence, no grading or courses.